on the provision of information services in online format

GLOBAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SYSTEMS FZE, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor,” invites the interested party, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer,” and collectively referred to as the “Parties,” to enter into an offer (an agreement addressed to an indefinite number of persons) for the provision of information services in an online format.


Information services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) within the framework of this offer are services in the form of obtaining information for the purpose of structuring knowledge and mastering the necessary techniques for effective mutual understanding in the course of communicating with people in the field of psychology, personal development and growth, improving the quality of life, etc., provided in the form webinars, courses, trainings, seminars, video, audio recordings, consultations, tests, e-books, manuals, brochures or in any other forms, such as using various educational programs for personal computers, online services, email, instant messengers or in other ways, including live broadcasts on the Internet, distribution of information and materials, provision of materials in recordings, provided both directly by the Contractor and with the help of third parties (in this case, the share of services directly from the Contractor is predominant).

The list, regulations and conditions for the provision of the Service are described on the relevant Website describing the service.

Customer's email address/email is the email address specified by the Customer in the application for the Service.

Customer is an individual or legal entity who paid for the Service and receives it under the terms of this offer agreement.

Acceptance is the Customer’s full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, accomplished by paying for services on the websites, and their subdomains, in the manner and on the terms established by this Offer Agreement.

Website is a collection of data available for viewing on the Internet at and their subdomains.

The training platform is an online service used for placement of materials by the Contractor.


1.1. The offer agreement is the Contractor's official proposal (offer) to conclude an agreement for the provision of paid access to the Services and is published on the global computer network Internet on the Contractor's website: and their subdomains.

1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code, in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and payment for services, the legal entity or individual accepting this Offer becomes the Customer.

1.3. Full and unconditional acceptance of this public offer is the Customer’s payment for the Services in accordance with Section 3 of this Agreement (Article 438 of the Civil Code).

1.4. In accordance with clause 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code, acceptance of this offer is tantamount to the conclusion of an Agreement on the terms set out in it.

1.5. By accepting the Offer Agreement in the manner specified in clause 1.4 of the Offer Agreement, the Customer guarantees that he is familiar with, agrees, and fully and unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Offer Agreement as they are set out in the text of the Offer Agreement.

1.6. The Contractor has the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer Agreement at any time.

1.7. Changes to the terms of the Offer Agreement begin to take effect from the moment they are published on the Site.

1.8. The offer agreement cannot be revoked.

1.9. The offer agreement does not require sealing and/or signing by the Customer and the Contractor, while maintaining full legal force.

1.10. By accepting this offer, the Customer confirms that he has access to the Internet and has the opportunity to study online, including the ability to use the Platform.

1.11. The Customer undertakes to carefully read the text of this offer and, if he does not agree with any point, the Contractor proposes to refuse any actions necessary for acceptance or to enter into a personal agreement on terms separately discussed with the Contractor.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Offer is the paid provision of Services to the Customer at a price chosen by the Customer and on a topic chosen by the Customer, which the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.

3. Terms and procedure for the provision of Services

3.1. Services at the rate chosen by the Customer and on the topic chosen by the Customer are provided by the Contractor subject to 100% (One Hundred Percent) prepayment by the Customer. A different payment procedure is possible in accordance with the terms of the promotion (special offer), as well as in cases additionally agreed with the Contractor.

3.1.1. The Customer makes the specified and fixed prepayment amount, after which the Contractor provides the Customer with access to preparatory materials for a specific Service. After payment for the relevant Service is made in full, the Contractor provides the Customer with access to materials on the paid Service. Depending on the Service chosen by the Customer, access to materials may be provided to the Customer immediately after payment or in stages, which is directly indicated in the description of the Service.

3.2. Payment for the Contractor's services is carried out in one of the following ways:

- by paying through electronic payment systems;

- by paying through payment terminals or Internet banking;

- by payment to the Contractor's bank account;

- by paying in installments using banking services;

- by other means by prior agreement with the Contractor.

3.2.1. In case of making a payment using a bank card, the Customer is recommended to use a bank card issued in the name of the Customer. In the case of a refund of paid funds, the refund is made using the same details by which the payment was received, and on the basis of a personal application from the person in whose name the bank card was issued in accordance with the terms of clause 5.4. actual agreement.

3.2.2. In case of non-payment of the cost of the Services on time, in case of untimely provision of data for filling out an application, or in case of providing inaccurate data when filling out an application, this Agreement is not considered concluded.

3.3. This Agreement is an act of provision of services. Services are considered to be provided with proper quality and on time in the absence of written claims from the Customer upon expiration of the term for the provision of services. The term for the provision of services is indicated on the Site.

3.4. The Agreement is considered concluded and comes into force for the Parties from the moment of full payment for services by the Customer.

3.5. The Customer's obligation to pay is considered fulfilled from the moment funds are credited to the Contractor's bank account or the Customer provides a document confirming payment for the Services.

3.6. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Services to the Customer within the time period specified on the Site.

3.7. If the Customer does not receive the Services in a timely manner due to his own fault or at his own request, the Services are considered to have been properly provided. If the Customer does not take part in the webinar in real time, no refund of the paid funds is made, while the Customer retains the ability to access the recording of the webinar on the Platform (if such a recording was made).

3.8. The Contractor has the right to include the Customer in the mailing list for subsequent distribution of materials on the Services provided or for distribution of other information materials.

3.9. The Customer has no right to transfer to third parties his access to materials provided by the Contractor. If this clause of this agreement is violated, the Contractor has the right to deny the Customer access to already paid Services without returning previously paid funds.

3.10. The Customer agrees that the Contractor provides access to services or digital products as is, and has no right to demand additional modification of the service or product he paid for, as well as its individual components, information materials, as well as changes in the rules for the provision of services or access to products described provisions of this Agreement.

3.11. The terms and conditions for the provision of Services may also be communicated by the Contractor to the Customer by sending a corresponding notification to the contact e-mail and/or SMS message to the Customer’s contact phone number on the Platform, while the Customer is obliged to independently and in advance check receipt of the notification coming from the Contractor.

3.12. The Contractor has the right to involve third parties in the provision of Services without first obtaining the Customer’s consent. Involved third parties are selected at the discretion of the Contractor. The Contractor reserves the right to replace third parties when providing Services, subject to maintaining the subject matter, expertise and list of issues that these involved third parties will cover.

3.13. If, due to a change in life circumstances, the Customer cannot visit the paid Service, the Customer has the right to transfer the prepayment or the full amount of payment to any other Service, thereby fixing the cost of the new service. The customer also has the right to postpone the training of the purchased course to another date agreed with the manager. To carry out the transfer, the Customer must notify the Contractor in writing or by telephone. The customer has the opportunity to transfer before the start of the course, as well as during the course learning process if access to the course materials is no more than 60%. Such a transfer can be carried out no more than once. Moreover, in the event of an increase in the cost of the Service, the Customer undertakes to make an appropriate additional payment. The Customer agrees that if the Customer refuses the Service after the transfer, the service is considered provided to the Customer and funds paid by the Customer are not refundable.

3.14. The period of access and conditions for each specific Service are different, depend on the tariff chosen by the Customer, and are indicated directly in the description of the Service on the Site.

3.15. If necessary, the Customer has the opportunity to extend access to courses.

3.16. The Customer, after making payment for the selected service, undertakes to fill out a questionnaire posted on the Site; follow the recommendations and instructions of the Contractor given to the Customer as part of the provision of Services; study all information provided by the Contractor in accordance with the order of presentation specified by the Contractor.

3.17. The Customer undertakes not to make any recordings unauthorized by the Contractor, incl. screenshots, photographing recordings and other ways of storing information provided by the Contractor.

3.18. Upon completion of receipt of the Service by the Customer, the Contractor (if so provided in the description of the Service on the Site) sends a certificate of completion of the Course to the Customer’s email address.

3.19. If the Service provides feedback from the Contractor, the Contractor provides it on the Platform within 48 hours of receiving the corresponding request from the Customer.

3.20. As part of the provision of Services under this agreement, the Contractor has the right to conduct special promotions and create offers in the form of providing bonuses for the purchase of Services by the Customer on a selected topic (hereinafter referred to as the Course). Data on offers, promotions and bonuses current as of the date of purchase of the Course are published on the Contractor’s website.

The Contractor reserves the right to change the terms of special offers, promotions and bonuses before payment by the Customer.

If the Customer refuses to purchase the Services before the expiration of 14 (fourteen) days from the date of purchase of the Course as part of a special promotion, which provides for receiving two courses for the price of one or another offer (bonus offer), when activating access to the bonus course and using it by the Customer, until start using the main course, the cost of the bonus course is withheld from the Customer. The customer is refunded the amount minus the cost of the bonus course.

The cost of bonus courses is published on the website in the offer of a course on a specific topic as part of special promotions and offers.

The bonus rate, special promotions and offers are not gifts, but are recognized by the parties as incentive bonuses when the Customer purchases the main Course under the terms of the offered promotions and offers.

3.21. To implement the Services under this agreement in the territory of other states, the Contractor enters into license agreements under which it provides a non-exclusive right to use intellectual property rights, including the authority to sell (distribute) the Contractor’s Services on behalf and at the expense of a representative in the territory of a particular state.

On the territory of Ukraine, representatives of the Contractor are individual entrepreneurs (PE). The relationship between the Contractor and representatives is governed by a license agreement.

4. Special conditions

4.1. Information transmitted as part of the provision of Services is the intellectual property of the Contractor and is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation. Distribution of information received through the Services for commercial purposes is prohibited. The Customer undertakes not to copy records of the Services and not provide them to third parties or post them publicly on other websites. The Customer is prohibited from distributing, publishing, posting on the Internet, copying, transferring or selling to third parties, recording, downloading, making screenshots and photographs of recordings of audio-visual works and other content provided as part of the provision of Services under this Agreement. The Customer is prohibited from saving and transferring to third parties correspondence of other participants of the Service recipients, information and any materials received under this Agreement, creating information products based on them, as well as using this information in any other way except for personal use within the framework of this Agreement. Agreement.

In case of violation of such an obligation, the Contractor has the right to demand from the Customer compensation for losses incurred, as well as compensation for lost profits in accordance with the current legislation, as well as a fine in the amount of 500,000 rubles.

4.2. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 - Federal Law “On Personal Data”, the Customer (personal data subject), accepting the terms of this Offer Agreement, consents to the processing of all his personal data provided to the Contractor, as well as to their transfer persons with whom the Contractor has a contractual relationship to fulfill the terms of this Offer Agreement and provide services to the Customer. The processing of the Customer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation, as well as in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which is the local documents of the Contractor.

4.3. The Contractor has the right to immediately terminate the provision of services without returning funds in the event of aggression or disrespect on the part of the Customer towards the Contractor, other Customers, in the case of the use of profanity and aggression in comments on the Platform, in chats, as well as in cases of inciting interethnic conflicts, distracting other participants from receiving Services, sending spam, placing advertisements. The Customer hereby confirms that the prepaid cost of services in the cases specified in this paragraph is recognized by the Parties as a penalty for violation by the Customer of the terms of the Agreement and is not returned to the Customer.

4.4. All personal data is processed by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

4.5. The Contractor undertakes to preserve and not disclose confidential information that became known to him from the Customer during the provision of Services under this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties

5.1. If it is not technically possible to carry out the Service in real time (webinar/live/broadcast), on the part of the Contractor, for reasons beyond the Contractor's control: problems with the Internet connection, failures in the operation of the partner technical platform, power outages, the Contractor undertakes to carry out webinar/live/broadcast at another time and, if the Customer is unable to participate at another time, provide him with a recording.

5.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the impossibility of servicing the Customer for reasons related to disruption of the Internet channel, equipment or software on the part of the Customer.

5.3. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this public offer, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation.

5.4. The Customer undertakes to send claims, requests, proposals, etc. via electronic correspondence from the email address specified when registering on the site by email to the Contractor. Correspondence on social networks or instant messengers will not be considered made on behalf of the Customer. The claim is considered received by the Contractor subject to the Customer providing a scan of the passport, a signed and scanned claim and documents confirming the fact of payment for the Services. An application for a return is accepted subject to the Customer providing the above documents, as well as providing bank details for the return.

5.5. The Customer undertakes to forward to the Contractor all claims regarding the quality of the services provided, within a period not exceeding 3 (three) days from the date of termination of access to the provided materials, by e-mail.

If the claims are not received by the Contractor, the Services are considered to be provided properly and in full.

5.6. The Contractor is not responsible for incorrect (inaccurate) information provided by the Customer during registration or when paying for services.

5.7. The Contractor undertakes to provide access to the paid Service within the period established by the terms of provision of the Service on the Site.

5.8. The Contractor undertakes to return to the Customer the erroneously paid funds for the Services upon the written request of the Customer. The Contractor accepts requests for the return of funds paid by the Customer for the Service provided in real time no later than 12 hours before the start of the corresponding webinar/live broadcast/broadcast. The Customer is obliged to reimburse the Contractor's actual expenses, including all payment system fees charged when transferring funds to the Contractor's account and from the Contractor's account to the Customer, payments to third parties providing services for processing and supporting the Customer's order.

5.9. The Contractor accepts requests for the return of funds paid by the Customer for the Service until the Customer receives materials in any amount. In the event that the Customer has received the materials (the fact of familiarization with the materials has been recorded), no refund will be made.

5.10. The Contractor accepts requests for the return of funds paid by the Customer for the Service, materials for which are provided in stages throughout the entire period of provision of the Service, in accordance with the conditions specified in clauses 5.10.1 - 5.10.3 of the Agreement.

5.10.1. If a return request is received before access to the first batch of materials is provided, the Contractor returns 100% of the cost of the Service minus commissions in accordance with clause 5.13 of the Agreement.

5.10.2. Applying for a refund subject to access to 10% of the materials of the Service - refund of 80% of the cost of the Service;

Request for a refund subject to access to 11% to 30% of the materials Services - 60% refund;

Request for a refund subject to access to 31% to 50% of the materials Services - 30% refund;

Request for a refund subject to access to 51% to 80% of the materials Services - 10% refund;

Request for a refund subject to access to 81% to 99% of materials Services - 1% refund.

5.10.3. If possible and with the consent of the Contractor, the Customer has the right to postpone the delivery of the Service to a later date instead of returning the money paid.

5.11. The Contractor is not responsible for the inadequate quality of provision of Services if the improper performance was a consequence of unreliability, insufficiency or untimeliness of the information provided by the Customer, as well as due to other violations of the terms of this Agreement by the Customer.

5.12. The Contractor is not responsible for the failure of the service provided to meet the Customer's expectations and/or for his subjective assessment. Such a discrepancy with expectations and/or a negative subjective assessment is not a reason to consider the services provided to be of poor quality or not to the agreed extent.

5.13. In case of refusal of Services, the Customer is obliged to reimburse the Contractor's actual expenses, including all payment system fees charged when transferring funds to the Contractor's account and from the Contractor's account to the Customer, payment to third parties providing services for processing and supporting the Customer's order, as well as other expenses actually incurred by the Contractor in connection with the order and processing of the Customer’s order.

6. Validity period and changes to the Offer Agreement

6.1. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Customer receives funds as payment in full for the selected training program at the Contractor's expense and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.

6.2. All disputes and disagreements are resolved through negotiations between the Parties.

6.3. All issues not regulated by this Offer Agreement are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

6.4. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Offer Agreement becomes invalid during its validity period due to changes in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Offer Agreement are binding on the Parties during the validity period of the Offer Agreement.

6.5. Independent refusal of the Service by the Customer is grounds for termination of the contract concluded with him. The amount paid for the Services provided is not refundable.

6.6. Receipt by the Customer of a certificate of receipt of the Service (if such is provided for by the program of the corresponding Service on the Site) is an agreement of the Parties on the complete completion of the Service and the absence of mutual claims against each other

6.7. In all other respects that are not provided for in this Offer Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation.

7. Disclaimer of responsibility for obtaining results

7.1. All statements about obtaining results, as well as examples of obtaining high-quality results that may be posted on the Site, are only a predicted assessment of possible results and do not guarantee its receipt.

7.2. User reviews provided on the Site are individual achievements of individuals. These results are not typical or guaranteed. The Customer's results will depend on the Customer's decisions and actions.

7.3. Considering the expected result to be guaranteed, the Customer also assumes the risk of non-receipt.

7.4. When indicating a specific example of a positive result regarding a specific person, this does not guarantee that the Customer will receive a similar result.

7.5. Any statements or representations made on the Site regarding the attainment of a possible result are not considered to be binding results on any individual.

7.6. Obtaining a result depends on many factors. The Contractor does not have information about how effectively the Customer will use the information given by the Contractor in the future, as well as information relating to the Customer personally, the Customer’s personal data, the ethical principles used, and we do not guarantee the resulting likelihood of receiving any large, small or any results.

7.7. All products and Services of the Contractor are intended solely for informational or educational purposes.

7.8. The customer must rely on his common sense and self-reliance when making decisions regarding relationships with other people. The information presented on the Site and materials provided as part of the provision of the Service are subject to careful analysis and evaluation before making a decision about relationships with other people and their compliance with reality.

7.9. By accepting the terms of this Offer Agreement, the Customer agrees that the Contractor is not responsible for the correctness or error of decisions made by the Customer regarding relationships with other people, regarding any information received during the provision of Services by the Contractor.

8. Details:
Trade license: 8208
Registered Office Address: Office Number 219, Second Floor, One UAQ Building, Umm Al Quwain, UAE
Director: Aleksandr Novikov
Bank Name: Mashreq Bank Dubai Internet City Branch
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